Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/24/12 - Penang

Penang Housing/Hotels
I'm trying to get better about posting a few times a week.  With work being busy, but not super busy, this seemed like as good as any time to start.  Week 2 up in Penang, Malaysia started off quite well.  Last week I got to follow people around like a lost little puppy dog...... to the airport in Singapore, to our hotel in Penang, to the office in the morning, to dinner, back to the hotel, etc, etc.

Main Road in Penang
Well it may not have been a planned sink or swim method of teaching, but that's what I'm in right now.  Luckily (fingers crossed, knock on wood, don't jinx it it!!!) the biggest problem I have had was having to wait an extra 30 minutes for a taxi back to the hotel.  Got taxis, made it to my flight on time, got to work, found dinner on my own, I've done it all.

Some may scoff at these trivial accomplishments, but you have to remember, riding in taxis and ordering room service are only slightly behind paddle-boats and Taylor Swift on the list of things "Dan Court really, really dislikes."  Progress has been made on the riding in taxis.  Room service on the other hand is an egg that has not quite been cracked yet.  The plus side of that is it is forcing me to go find food outside the hotel.

Street Cafe
I haven't gotten brave enough to go to this place yet, but I ate somewhere similar last night.  It was hot, sweaty, and smelly.... and that was just me after sitting there for 5 minutes.  Once I actually got my food (Indian) it was also hot and smelly (only the restaurant and myself appeared to be sweating) and really good.  Best garlic naan I've had.  This evening I ordered a chicken pita with 'hot' sauce.  Either my tolerance for heat is growing or the guy taking my order took pity on me and told them to put mild on it when I sat down and wasn't looking because I thought it was spicy but manageable.

The most random and quirky part of my day though happened after I got done swimming laps this evening.  I was just toweling off when I sensed someone near me.  I looked up, but then had to look down because the lady only came about half-way up to my head.  She explained that her and her friend were from Mongolia and had never been taught to swim before.  So long story short, we spent about 15 minutes with her translating and me pantomiming how to do the breast stroke.  I wish I could say he might be joining the Mongolian Olympic team in 2016, but I think at the very least he wouldn't drown now.

The final news from Penang is I found a Starbucks!  It doesn't open until 8 (who would want coffee before then?) but a nice taste/kick from home in the morning is a decent way to start your day.  Sarah has her first orientation for school in Singapore tomorrow, the scholarly life is quickly beckoning at the door again.  We'll get some posts from her written perspective so its not just my random thoughts flying around.  Enjoy.


  1. Hypothetical...what if you were to eat a room service breakfast just before catching a taxi to the airport only to have to share the cab with Taylor Swift who happens to be traveling in Penang with her paddle boat strapped to the top as she journeys around the exotic coasts of Southeast Asia?

    One point of clarification...is "swimming laps" your American translation for walking outside?

  2. Ben - please don't say such things. Once you verbalize (write them down) they become possible which to be perfectly frank scares the bejeezus out of me.

    Swimming laps = in a pool. However, the level of exertion probably hovers somewhere between Tim Meadows swimming laps in the hot tub on SNL and Michael Phelps in the 200M IM.
