Sunday, July 29, 2012

7/29/12 - First Visitor

It may have been work related, but we saw our first friendly face from the U.S. this morning.  Kristian had 12 hours to spend in Singapore before flying on to Penang of all places so we met him for brunch on top of the Marina Bay Sands hotel.  Not a bad view, right?  I won't be heading to Penang myself this week as my passport is hanging out at the Chinese consulate waiting for a Visa.  I'm sure he'll manage on his own up there just fine.
Saturday we went out to dinner with our friends Chris and Ellie in Little India.  Chris has been to India a few times so we asked him if it was anything like the actual country.  The response was less traffic, less buildings that were falling down and no animals in the street.  So not quite the same, but dinner was still pretty awesome.  Capped it off with some drinks on Club street.  Unfortunately the bar we liked that looked like an opium den from an old Indiana Jones movie had decided to redecorate with a more contemporary feel.  Still a nice place to sit outside, but didn't have that colonial Asia feel we had enjoyed previously.

Friday we had finally reached the breaking point and needed some good old Mexican food.  Found a place called SeƱor Taco in Clarke Quay. Clarke Quay is on the river and full of different bars and restaurants, even a few microbreweries for when that urge kicks in too.  The tacos were good, the Corona's were better. Not a bad way to spend an 85 degree evening outside.

The only bad part right now is we can't seem to find the Olympics on TV.  There is a bar in Singapore showing US coverage that we are planning on making our way to eventually.  Until then, I guess we'll keep watching Kung Fu Panda 2 on HBO (with Chinese subtitles of course).

Potentially an update from China later this week.....

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