Wednesday, July 11, 2012

7/11/12 - First Food Hawker Experience

We woke up this morning completely wiped after yesterdays activities.  When you view each condo they have their own unique flavor, however, the mix of rooms, facilities and location slowly start to blend together and it becomes mentally exhausting.  So no permanent place to live yet, but for those scoring at home I would rate the rice cooking at a 3 out of 5 and the laundry at a 4 out 5 in terms of success.  The food was better than edible and I didn't shrink any of my shirts so that was a win for the evening.

With the promise of more viewings to come this afternoon our morning was spent catching up on work emails and administrative items as well as some exercise.  The pool is where I am working on breaking Michael Phelps' 4 year old world record..... that would be the time he had as a toddler, not at the Olympics in Beijing 4 years ago.  Swimming laps is rapidly passing running as my fitness regiment until we acclimate a little more to the climate.

This is a quick shot out of our window.  It is green like this everywhere.  Ben, I have hidden 5 photographic errors that a more seasoned veteran would not make. Personally, I'm blaming my camera phone, but if you would like to point to them out as a teaching moment, that would be great.  Once I upgrade to an iPhone (or start using our actual camera) I promise better visual effects.

The true highlight of the day was us upping the ante, moving beyond the local grocery store and grabbing dinner at a Singapore Hawker Centre.  Think large, outdoor food court.  We went to one of the more touristy/famous ones due to the proximity of our apartment, but the food was still great.  It was hot, fresh, flavorful and made in front of us.  The fact that the beverage vendor with some cheaper Tiger beer was in the stall next door didn't hurt either.

More condo viewings tomorrow and then switching gears on Friday back to a traditional work day.  Need that employment pass so everything else can get checked off the list before the work travel begins Monday.  Cheers!

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