Sunday, October 7, 2012

10/7/12 - Penang Street Food Treat

Anytime we're in Singapore and I tell people I spend time in Penang for work they always ask me about the food there.  Penang has a reputation for having some of the best food, specifically street food, in Southeast Asia.  Usually my response has always been that it is good, but it reminds me a lot of what we can eat in Singapore.  This past week I finally had an experience eating that was different than here.

The team took me out for dinner in the middle of the week and we went to a hawker stand that is only open for dinner. The middle dish on the left is grilled sting-ray which I can honestly say I've never had or seen on a menu before.  It really was a lot like a normal white fish except for a different kind of bone running throughout it.  What really made it great was the smokey, spicy chili sauces they put on it.

The dish on the right is actually chicken wings that they stuck wooden skewers through so they could grill them.  It actually made them a lot easier to eat, so I was surprised that it hasn't caught on anywhere else in the world.

I did finally eat a noodle dish that I was warned may have some "undesirable pieces" in it.  It was pretty good, but when I finally pulled a chicken foot out of it I had to call it a night from a food standpoint.  Haven't made it to that level yet.

I will fully recommend Chinese pancakes for dessert though.  Kind of like a puffed up, crispy, thin calzone that has peanuts and brown sugar in it.  Fantastic.

For some reason, Octoberfest is a huge deal over here.  The hotel decided to put a guy in lederhosen playing an accordion on their sign that just cracked me up.  I passed it on my daily walk to Starbucks where I have officially become a regular customer.  Kind of nice to have your coffee almost ready before you even get to the register.  Sarah actually had an Octoberfest party at school where they brought in beer and food from Germany.  Sad I missed out on that one, hopefully next year its on the weekend.  We did learn though, if you want to find your own lederhosen to dress the part you can of course find them for sale in Little India.

We closed the weekend out by voting today!  Really was pretty easy to get a ballot sent over, have to say I was impressed with the process.  However, I'm kind of bummed the absentee ballot didn't come with an "I voted sticker" in it.  I might have to make my own.  At least I can keep tabs on the election by watching Meet the Press live on Sunday night vs. having to get up in the morning to watch.  Vote early and vote often everyone :)

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