Friday, June 28, 2013

6/28/2013 - Toes in the water, toes in the sand

Let me start this off with a statement of fact - 'I Love Thailand.'  Maybe its because we came here on our honeymoon.  Maybe its because I think spring rolls should be considered their own food group.  It could be the green curry, the coconuts, the mangoes, the beaches, Singha beer.... its a long list.  Regardless, I Love Thailand, capital I,L,T.  So its fitting that while one birthday tradition had to take a hiatus this year, a new one jumped in to take its place at least for a year or two.

You see, every year for quite some time now, the gang has gathered on the balmy shores of Green Lake in Spicer, Minnesota to officially kick summer into gear.  The fact that it happens to be near my birthday is just an excuse for my parents, who are way to welcoming and nice, to let my friends invade their house for a weekend.  Since we couldn't do that this year (although
its certainly possible everyone is gathering at the lake without my knowledge) we made a quick weekend getaway to Phuket.  I had considerable unused vacation for the year, so I took a half day to get a little reflection and relaxation me time in and am currently waiting for Sarah's plane to land.  Seemed like a good time to do a quick break-down of what a Green Lake vs. Andaman Sea birthday has been like - prior to tomorrow evening which should be an adventure in and of its

1. The food.  Upon arrival, I had a mid-afternoon snack of chicken satay and the aforementioned spring rolls accompanied by the ever present Singha beer.  This will likely be the first of numerous spring rolls devoured over the next 48 hours.  At Green Lake, the menu is always subject to change, but you can usually count on turkey tenderloin, egg and potato breakfast hotdish and plenty of chips and salsa.  Although I get quite upset when I end up at a Thai restaurant and there are not spring rolls on the menu, I'm getting close to the point where I would rob an old lady Seinfeld style for a traditional lake BBQ menu. One point for traditional birthday.

2. Stereotypes.  Traveling is great because it expands your horizons and helps you understand and feel more comfortable in other cultures.  Today for example I got off the plane, politely ignored all the people trying to sell me gifts, 'transportation' and other assorted junk, found the taxi stand and conveniently and cost effectively got to the hotel.  There is a dark side to all of this though - you start to learn where the root of some stereotypes come from and get to see them in action.  While reading my book on the beach this afternoon, the 4 chairs to the left of me were occupied by two pudgy European men and two Thai women.  I had numerous chuckles over this one.  Then of course I thought about the kid from Wisconsin reading a book and drinking a Singha in a beer coozy by himself and realized there were two fairly solid stereotypes in the vicinity.  Oh well - the local stereotype was funnier and I'm sticking with it.  Point for Thai birthday.

3. Freedom.  I got to the beach today and the red flags were up.  This makes sense based on the current monsoon and the height of the waves.  There were signs everywhere saying 'Do Not Swim' or 'Here's how to get out of a rip current.'  You think anyone actually paid attention?  Of course not, its Thailand, you can do whatever you want.  Everyone was jumping in the surf to cool off and having a good time.  This compared to Zorbas on Green Lake last year who wouldn't let the 31 year old on his birthday get a drink because he did not have his drivers license.  Just an FYI - I didn't get carded buying a beer on the beach today.  Granted, the 6 year old next to me probably could have bought the beer for me, but that's beside the point.  Point for Thai birthday.

4. Outdoor activities.  Considering I spent the afternoon reading, jumping in the waves and having a few drinks, this is currently an unfair comparison.  On a normal birthday we would be jet skiing, water skiing and playing bean bags and whatever name we came up with for trying to throw a frisbee through 2 poles and/or knocking two cups off the poles and catching them.  The only jet ski I saw here looked like it was used for rescuing people getting dragged away by rip currents, which makes sense given everyone was ignoring the signs.  They did have surfboards and body boards though and I think I'm going to try and snag one tomorrow.... likely the body board.  Still, the lake water activities and the sheer entertainment of watching people try and catch cups rocketing off poles at Mach 1 due to a frisbee hitting them wins out.  Point for traditional birthday.

Good thing we have another day to break the 'thai.'  Rumor has it we're going to a Bon Jovi bar tomorrow.  Honestly, that's like a combination of an old tradition/new tradition birthday.  The only thing that would be better is if the Green Lake Monster makes an appearance.  More to come......

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