Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/22/13 - Bintan Island Adventure

One of the best parts about living in Singapore is you’re right in the hub of Southeast Asia.  You have an amazing airport that is a short taxi ride away and a number of budget airlines you can jump on to take you anywhere in the region.  We’ve flown on Tiger, Jetstar and Air Asia and knock on wood, so far so good.  Everyone seems to have a horror story about getting overcharged for baggage, a flight getting cancelled without advance notice or even the pilots not showing up for the flight.  That hasn’t happened to us yet, but I guess it will at least make for an interesting story when it does.

All of this is great, however, at the same time one of the worst parts about living in Singapore is all these great places are within reach, but you’re on an island so you can’t just hop in a car and go somewhere.  What if you want to get away for the weekend, but haven’t really planned ahead and it’s too late to hop a flight at a convenient time somewhere?  The answer we found out a few weeks ago is Bintan!

Bintan is an Indonesian island about an hour ferry ride.  You still have to go through customs, but the process is pretty minimal, even compared to the Singapore airport.  The motivation for this trip was a friend’s 30th birthday whose only request was a hotel with a swim-up bar....check.  To add to the fun, one of Sarah’s good friends from back home had made a detour from a work trip and was joining in the shenanigans.  So after a breakfast of fresh pineapple and mangoes and some banana prata for substance, the 3 of us strolled down to the street to find out if a taxi could actually get us to the ferry terminal.  Based on a normal taxi ride in Singapore to someplace I had never been before, I was highly skeptical.  Usually the driver gives you a blank look and you get prepared to pull out your phone out to provide directions, human GPS style.  Who would have thought after saying “Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal” he nodded and we were off.

Most of the rest of our party had purchased the ‘Emerald Fare’ class of ticket, so they were able to board the boat first.  I would highly recommend this for anyone as they were able to exit first and fly through customs on arrival, but for this trip we were stuck with the normies.  Luckily, our friends took pity on us and left us with a "treat" to make the trip go by faster.  To top it all off, once we were done weaving in and out of ships the size of small skyscrapers, they started playing classic Disney cartoons!  I’m talking Mickey, Donald and Pluto that were hand drawn and had to be on a VHS tape.  Of course, considering where we were it was likely a hot DVD from some back alley street market, but whatever.  The only way it would have been better is if they would have shown the episode with old school Mickey Mouse gang in a camper eating corn on the cob.  What topped the ferry ride off even more was the snack booth on the boat was called the “BRF Canteen.”  I fully understand we were on the Bintan Resort Ferry, but reading ‘barf canteen’ on a wavy boat ride out of the corner of my eye resulted in a lot of internal laughter.

Once we got through customs and rejoined the group we hopped in the hotel’s bus for what was a pretty short, albeit rocky ride.  The bus actually felt more like you were on the ocean than the ferry did.  Somehow, after waking up in Singapore around 8:30 AM we were sitting by a pool staring at the ocean a little after noon.  For being as close to a major shipping lane as we were, the water was pretty clean.  Seeing large ocean tankers off in the distance was a split between entertaining and unsettling, but you got used to it.  The Bintang beer (another Asian beer crossed off the list) wasn’t bad either.  After playing beach volleyball and hanging out in the pool, we wrapped it up with an open air grilled seafood dinner in which I may or may not have eaten an entire grilled squid, followed up by the requisite Filipino cover band.  After getting up early and with a full day ahead on Sunday, we called it quits after the first set, besides they were showing NBA playoff basketball in our room.  In terms of a short little holiday away from our island, on another island no less, not a bad way to spend a Saturday.

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