Sunday, February 24, 2013

2/24/13 - The Little Things

12 days and counting in Malaysia.  We're right in the thick of it, but the good news is we are hopefully nearing the downhill side of the slope. I maybe starting to lose my grip on reality, but I've still got at least 9 fingers firmly grasping on and as always, my usual sense of humor (or lack thereof).  It is funny what becomes important when spending this much time away from home.  Every day I get back to the hotel to see what my free treat from the mini-bar will be.  The options are not varied, Kit Kat or Peanut M&M's.  Yep, that's it.  9 times out of 10 its Peanut M&M's, which is a good thing, but when its a Kit Kat.... man, what a bummer.  Not to disparage that wonderful wafer treat, but its a different formula here and doesn't taste the same as back in the States.  Somehow, the Peanut M&M's are even better than the US... I think they found bigger peanuts in Thailand.  That's where the candy is arriving from of all places.

Today, sadly, there was nothing.  I shouldn't care because its a 50 cent piece of candy, but when you're looking forward to the little things in life.... well, you're looking forward to the little things.  The combination of the lack of chocolate covered peanuts and my morning routine got me thinking back to a speech I gave 13 years ago.  The little things in life really are great and in this instance it gives an insight into my daily routine, which upon further reflection, at least for me, is kind of entertaining.

Each day I stroll out of the hotel, Starbucks tumbler in hand.  I wave at the guys at the taxi stand whom of course all now know me now as the gangly foreigner who is a little off and has to go get coffee in the morning before coming back for a taxi.  I hit the bottom of the driveway at the hotel and the pungent sting of incense immediately hits me.  I've been doing this for 7 months now... I still can't find the source of it. Its one of my new goals before heading back to Singapore ... who is burning this at 8 in the morning (Starbucks doesn't open until 8, its a nice excuse to arrive at work a little later) and where is it coming from?

Once past the incense smell I look left and right multiple times - traffic is coming from the wrong direction of course and this is where the frontage road turns into what I guess you could call a strip mall.  The cars and scooters come flying in pretty quickly and I'm fairly confident the pedestrian does not have the right of way.  Once successfully navigating the mini death trap its time for my favorite/least favorite part of the walk (round trip its about a quarter of a mile).  There is a little restaurant on the corner that is always a hive of activity in the morning.  People chopping, peeling, cutting, getting ready for the days activities.  Right next to the restaurant on the sidewalk is a pathway of hanging vines with flowers and bushes that smell incredible.  The freshest, most invigorating aroma helps to wake you up, but then 2 steps forward and the smell of garlic and vegetables and some other items that seems to attract a bunch of stray cats wakes you up for a different reason.  Every other step - good smell, bad smell, good smell, bad smell... until you get to the end of the sidewalk and have to play chicken again with scooters, cars and buses this time as they head past the mall.  Scooters don't scare me, the cars are slightly larger than the electric cars you can win on The Price is Right, but I won't mess with a bus.

Ok - we've made it past the incense, past the good/bad smells, even avoided traffic at multiple stops.  Coffee is in our sight, but the final game is about to begin.  Is it open or not?  The sign says 8 AM, but it should really say 8 AMish, emphasis on the "ish."  Ahhh, today is a good day.  They are here on time, coffee is actually brewed already - that only happens 2 out of 5 days - and since its the weekend I decide I might as well pick up a chocolate croissant as well.  Back towards the hotel to get a taxi - once again playing a human version of frogger in the street, good smell/bad smell, good smell/bad smell thinking to yourself.... "where is that incense coming from" and yes! a blue taxi (a KIA of all things) is waiting for you.  Twice the leg room as a local car, air con is going to work, even if you're heading to work on weekend, you're rolling in style.  Like anything else in life, its the little things.  Keep it simple everyone.

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