Monday, September 17, 2012

9/17/2012 - Fall Singapore Style

I think this past week it finally hit us that even though our bodies mentally expect fall to happen shortly...... its not going to.  A few trees by our house had dropped a bunch of leaves that even made it smell a bit like fall.  I keep expecting the trees that dropped them to just become magically green again overnight.  Maybe fall is 2 days here?

I did have the odd experience of going to the airport Monday morning and watching Packer updates on my phone at 6 AM.  What made it weirder was to get in to work on Friday and have Packer updates coming through again?!?  Maybe it makes more sense when these things are happening at night for you vs. the bleary eyed morning, but just a little unsettling.

I was rescued from sports ticker update purgatory by the little brother on Sunday morning.  Thanks to the Badgers playing a night game and what can only be called the magic of the Big 10 Network I got to watch the band jump around and Bucky squeak out one of the uglier wins I've ever seen.  Still, being able to watch an ugly win on a 10 inch screen was a great way to start the day.  If only we could find some Spotted Cow for the next game.....

Afterwards it was off to brunch in Rochester Park, one of the "up and coming" areas of Singapore.  Makes you wonder how you become up and coming or "the next big thing."  Or I just need to quit having random thoughts like that.  Nice that its only 2 subway stops away.

To celebrate the Badger "win" I ordered a breakfast skillet with eggs, bacon, potatoes and baked beans.  So it may have been more of an Australian breakfast skillet instead of a Wisconsin one.  Still reminded you of a something you could get for breakfast at Mickies Dairy Bar in Madison. 

We stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up some snacks and just couldn't pass up the coconuts anymore.  Rumor has it they are better at rehydrating you than Gatorade and you only have to be in the sun for about 5 minutes here before you need some serious rehydrating.  Afterwards it was back to some homework and accounting, but nice to be able to knock that out on the porch.

F1 Night Race is next weekend!  Might be finally time to give the new camera a work out.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that the Badgers didn't provide a more entertain respite from Singapore life. Between being in Corvallis last week for the loss and in Madison this week for the "win" I don't feel as though I have gotten adequate value our of my ticket and travel costs! Love all the food updates and the quest for good beer! Hope you find it. The F1 night race sounds cool! High speed action in low light huh?...challenging photographic setting! You are going to need to open the aperture WAY up (low F#) and then crank up the ISO until you get a fast enough shutter speed to make the cars not blurry. Good luck!
