Sunday, August 12, 2012

8/12/12 - Move in weekend

Hard to believe over a month has gone by and our container finally arrived in the port (and made it through customs).  So as of Friday we are no longer nomads and officially residents of Gallop Gables in Singapore.  Yes, based on the name you half expect Anne (of Green Gables) to come walking in across an English moor, but it definitely is a tropical location around the equator instead of a locale that happens to be hosting the Olympics right now (USA! USA!).  

It has been a busy weekend full of unpacking and I'm proud to say we are done..... make that 50% done.  The only reason we got that far is because we appropriately fueled up beforehand.  You better believe that is a McDonalds breakfast!  How many years have we been discussing how there needs to be breakfast delivery in the morning.  Can you say there's an ap for that?  Yes, in this case there literally is one.  Guy on a scooter shows up with an Egg McMuffin and hashbrowns about 30 minutes later.  He said he'd see us soon.  Couldn't tell if he was just being nice or if he knows.  Either way, this is awesome but yes this is dangerous.You would think when you shrink your living space by about 70% it would make it easier to get organized, but apparently it has not.  The important part is the outdoor furniture on the balcony is set up, the living, kitchen and dining room are organized and the two bedrooms have doors on them that can be shut.  Essentially the same as when you were 6 and had to clean your room to get dessert so you just shoved everything in the closet or under the bed.  So far a lizard, yellow bird and squirrels have been sighted off the balcony.  No monkeys, hopefully it stays that way otherwise we'll have to start closing the windows.  Sarah is trying to determine what type of tropical plants we can grow out here.  Should have a "greener" picture in a few weeks.Our reward for all the hardwork was a night out in Little India.  Found a great tapas bar after dinner and sat out under the stars on the rooftop of an old Chinese shop house.  I'm trying to get better about  taking pictures (I forgot) but its on the list for places to bring people now.
The time change is finally working in my favor so time to tune into the gold medal basketball game. Back to Malaysia tomorrow.

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